Our Tannery

STAN INDIA is leading leather tannery in India which manufactures high-quality leather for wide range of leather products and industries. These segments include Automotive, Furniture, Footwear, Bags, Belts, Garments, Saddlery & Harness, and other leather accessories. As a commercial tannery, we take pride in adhering to various European Norms (EN) for manufacturing different types of leather. This reflects our commitment to quality and hence making us one of the most respected leather tannery in India.

Tannery Drums
leather into drum
leather water washing
Blue hide processing

Types of Tanning Process followed in Tannery Industry

Vegetable Tanning Process

Chrome-Free Tanning Process

Chrome Tanning Process

Leather from Drum
Leather Finishing

In tannery industry, it is believed that beauty comes from skin when the quality of raw material and tanning process is not compromised. Being a leather tannery, we are committed to making excellent leather for your creations every day. Leather is manufactured in our in-house tannery, so we guarantee the quality of the material. This gives us the opportunity to maintain competitive prices despite the tough competition in the leather industry. All leathers manufactured in our leather tannery are inspected and certified in accordance with European standards.

STAN INDIA Leather Tannery Sections

Lime Yard

Lime Yard Overview
Lime Yard Overview
Soaking of Hides
Soaking of Hides
Machine Fleshing
Machine Fleshing

Pit Tan Yard

Pit Tan Yard
Pit Tan Yard Overview

Currying Yard

Drum Tanning
Drum Tanning
Sammying Process
Sammying Process
Shaving Process
Shaving Process
Setting Out Process
Setting Out Process
Splitting Process
Splitting Process

Drying Chamber

Drying Process
Drying Process
Dry Process
Drying Process

Finishing Yard

Auto Spray Machine Color Spray Process
Auto Spray Machine / Color Spray Process
Ironing & Embossing Process
Ironing & Embossing Process
Glazing Process
Glazing Process

Process Control System

In house Laboratory
In-house Laboratory
Computerized Process Control System
Computerized Process Control System

Infrastructure Development of Leather Tannery

leather moving

Being commercial tannery, the units are equipped with a modern infrastructure that meets global standards. Commitment to improving quality and productivity, our leather tannery regularly upgrades and modernizes its machinery to increase productivity and quality. As a division of tannery industry, Stan India holds a distinguished place in the manufacturing and exporting of all types of finished leather. We have done investments to create a modern commercial tannery infrastructure that meets the future needs of our clients. This provides us the confidence to make quality standard commitments with our clients.

tannery industry
leather machine dry

Each commercial tannery unit is set up with latest machinery. Which are managed by equally qualified and skilled workforce who have the ability to handle them as well. Being a leather tannery, we review leather manufacturing process and upgrade technology regularly to ensure that clients’ requirements are fulfilled. We as commercial tannery continuously monitor everything from rawhide selection to final finished leather selection. This ensures that only the best finished leather leaves our leather tannery.

leather spraying
leather spread

Research and Development in Tannery Industry

leather finial finish

Complete customer satisfaction is driving factor for the tannery industry, for which our company invests in Research and Development all around the year. Research area of our leather tannery includes adaptability of new technologies and improvement of product quality. Finish leather is tested in physical and chemical testing laboratories to ensure its quality, safety, and performance. At our leather tannery, quality is ensured through constant research and development and a dedicated workforce is the key to achieving them.

leather press
Tannery Working

As part of tannery industry, our core value is to expand ourselves in global market through innovation and efficiency. This can be achieved by standardizing machinery of our commercial tannery and exporting finished leather. Our investment in the latest infrastructure, German and Italian processing machines ensure the highest quality at every stage. The leather tanning process performs in our modern leather tannery which makes the tanning process eco-friendlier and more sustainable.

Quality Control in Commercial Tannery

leather detail check

At our commercial tannery, leather supply chains are strictly monitored before being processed. Leather undergoes a series of quality control measures that ensured that nothing but the best will be provided to clients. We ensure that our buyers receive safe quality leather so we strictly manufacture them in a clean & hygienic environment. Keeping up with the constantly changing requirements of the tannery industry, our commitment to our customers is to meet their expectations in the shortest amount of time.

leather computerized testing
leather thickness

Being a part of tannery industry in India, we are committed to following all the compliance with international labor standards. At our commercial tannery, the majority of our processes are automated. The process which needs manual inspection and human touch is done with scientific instruments such as spectrometers, humidity meters, and softness meters. This practice contributes to our goal of being the best in the tannery industry. As a segment of tannery industry in India, we take great pride in our collection of leather. As they are the result of our regular creativity, passion, and innovation.